ANDRÉIA Silva de Araújo. Development and validation of a rapid method for quantification of cocaine and metabolites in hair and urine by liquid chromatography coupled to High Performance Mass Spectrometry sequential (HPLC-MS / MS). 2013 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Sales Carla Maia. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGY FOR ANALYSIS OF THC and THC-COOH IN URINE USING anion exchange resin THROUGH TECHNIQUE HPLC-MS / MS. 2013 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Eloilde Barbosa dos Santos. Determination of the liquid components of cashew employing derivatization reactions. 2010 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
Patricia Barreto Mathias Facetola. Determination of pKa of the drug with low water solubility by spectrophotometry. 2010 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Eduardo Corsino Freire. Obtaining N, N-diethyl-betulonamida and evaluating their activity in tumor cells. 2009 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
Maicon Guerra de Miranda. Synthesis of deuterated steroids from cholesterol with potential use as biomarkers of oil. 2009 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
André Rodrigues Pinto. A new approach to synthesis of esters using NbCl5 as mediator: preparation of biodiesel. 2009 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
Dayse dos Santos Bastos. Use of niobium pentachloride as a promoter derivatizing agent in the analysis of edible oils: sunflower and olive oil. 2009 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
José Augusto Bordim de Carvalho Júnior. A new approach to synthesis of the active ingredient in pepper spray and its analogues. 2009 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
Letícia Gomes Ferreira. Synthesis of luminol in semi-pilot scale and development of new analytical applications. 2009 Dissertation (Master Program in Graduate in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
Wagner Wollinger. Influence of Excipients on Degradation of the Association of TB Drug drugs Isoniazid and Rifanpicine tablet. 2008 Thesis (MS in Analytical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Wesley de Marce Rodrigues Barros. Synthesis of a chemical marker for the identification of species of African Cryptolepis the Brazilian Quilombo Aclepidaceae family in 2007 .. Thesis (MS in Analytical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
William Batista Romão. Evaluation of antifouling activity glycerophospholipids Isolates of Marine Organisms of the Region of Arraial do Cabo - RJ 2006 .. Thesis (MS in Analytical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Vanessa de Almeida Martins. Studies Aimed at the Synthesis Wedelolactona. Structural identification of 3-phenyl-5,7-dihydroxy-3 ', 4'-metilenodioxicumarina starting from Eclipta prostata 2006 .. Thesis (MS in Analytical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Level Superior.
Paulo Roberto Miguel Fragas. Structural identification of the reaction product of "Beirut" between the CS and benzoxifurazano, qualitative and quantitative analysis .. 2006 Thesis (MS in Analytical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Graça Gaspar. Use of niobium pentachloride as derivatizing reagent in the analysis of edible oils-soy, cotton and canola 2006 .. Thesis (MS in Analytical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Ana Paula Lima Alves. Synthesis of 1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene and derivatives substituted in position 3 Use the attraction of insects in domestic citriculturas. 2005 Dissertation (MSc in Analytical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
Jaciara Costa da Silva. Developing a new test for determining the quality of aspartame. 2004 Dissertation (MSc in Analytical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
Bernadete Ferraz Spizzo. Determination of Beta-2-Agonists in Animal Urine: Comparison of two extraction procedures / Clean-Up For Analysis By Cgar-In. 1998 Thesis (MS in Physical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
André Luis Mazzei Albert. Evaluation of the potential of Fenilboronatos the characterization and control of Biologically Active Drugs. 1998 Thesis (MS in Physical Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Glaucia Barbosa Candido Alves. Convergent Synthesis of Two Strategies for the preparation of Beta-lapachone. 1998 Thesis (MS in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
Marcelo da Silva Nery. 'Synthesis of Bromobuterol; 4'Amino-3'-5'-dibromo (NT-butylamino)-1-phenylethanol. 1996 Thesis (MS in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
Mariangela de Azevedo Ribeiro. Synthesis of Benzoyl-Benzofuranas as potential precursors Brasanquinonas. 1994 Thesis (MS in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
Roberto Pereira Santos. A convergent synthesis route for the preparation of 6,7,8,9-Tetrahydro-5H-1,3-dioxolo [4,5-b] carbazole. 1994 Thesis (MS in Chemistry) - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.