Basic Information
What is Luminol?
LUMINOL is the most efficient occult blood detector in crimes against life. Through the use of spray formulation and a portable luminometer, crimes in locations that preclude any conditions of total darkness, such as: railway stations, bus stations, subways, stadiums, forests, parks, etc. can be analyzed for the presence of occult blood.
This reagent can also be used to monitor the disinfection processes of medical, dental and food plant facilities.
Luminol reacts chemically with iron in the blood and thus releasing energy (photons) in the form of a blue light, through a reaction called chemiluminescence. Often used by forensic professional in crime scenes against life, as a detector of traces of occult blood, once in contact with blood, luminol coordinates with ferric iron found in the hemoglobin, and when treated with hydrogen peroxide in basic media, promotes the formation of photons in the form of a bluish light.
The first work devoted to the synthesis of luminol was described by Schmitz in 1913, and the first report on the reaction of luminol chemiluminescence was produced by Albrecht in 1928.
The Luminol synthesized by the Laboratory of Synthesis and Product Analysis Strategic-UFRJ has a patent guarded by the world body "World International Property Organization" since 2005, Brazil's INPI since 2006, in the United States the process of synthesis of luminol produced LASAPE had in his patent granted in 2009.
LUMINOL is the most efficient occult blood detector in crimes against life. LUMINOL UFRJ has a new advantage compared with other similar commercial reagents available in the market, because the emission of the blue light on this product lasts longer than 3 minutes. This video demonstrates the product into two uses: in the absence of light or visible light.
Toxicological Information
The registry of toxic effects of chemicals in the United States - RTECS, The American Chemical Abstracts Service and the European society of toxicology and pathology record Luminol as having no toxicological effects on humans.
His lethal dose in rats is greater than 500mg/kg, not being cited as ACGIHm carcinogen by IARC, NTP, or CA prop65.
Not mutagenic or teratogenic effects were observed.
Ecotoxicity was not observed for determining the biological oxygen demand.
Transport Information
Material not controlled by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
No special conditions are required for transport.
Use in the Health Sector

The use of Luminol in health is mainly focused on the investigation of blood residues, main culture medium for the growth of pathogenic, microorganisms present in clinical and hospital environments.
Why use Luminol in clinical and hospital settings?
The Luminol acts as a control tool in hygienic processes in these environments, confirming the removal of blood and the efficiency of the disinfection process.
What are the advantages of using Luminol?
- Has the highest sensitivity for detection of occult blood from the options available in the market. The Luminol is five times more sensitive than phenolphthalein, and six times more sensitive than the Malachite Green and Benzidine;
- Easy to use;
- Low cost product;
- Technologies that use ATP detection, are not capable of indicating the presence of red blood cells as a function of these cells were devoid of ATP;
- Eradication presence of hepatitis C virus and other pathogenic microorganisms in the hospital environment.
Sensitivity Benchmark

Due to the greater control on the hygiene of the hospital environment we can list advantages as well as, the benefits of control of hospital infection:
- Reduction in the incidence of hospital infection in Brazil.
- Decreased length of stay of patients after surgery.
- Decreased costs and deaths.
- Decreased costs and deaths.
- Eradication presence of hepatitis C virus and other pathogenic microorganisms in the hospital environment.
- Control the proper use of enzymatic detergents in removing occult blood in the hospital environment.
Hospital infection kills 100,000 a year in Brazil, there isn’t adequate control in 80% of establishments.

Kit Luminol
- UFRJ with portable luminometer System Sure II of Hygiena.
Where Using Luminol in clinical and hospital settings?
In the central sterile supplies, operating rooms, intensive care units, endoscopy devices, catheters and other points designated by the Commission for the Control of Contamination Hospital. The occult blood in the hospital area will be detected by the portable luminometer brand Hygiena, Sure System II. By obtaining measurements of photon emission URL, one can form a semiquantitative measure of the concentration of blood present in the environment.
In the operating theater and ICU'S
- Surgical table
- Ground around the operating table
- Handle of iluminador
- Clothing placed on the patient
- Electronic billboards in general
In the operating theater and ICU'S
- Beds and bedding
- Chairs and cabinets
- Knobs
- General equipment
Materials that maintains direct contact with the patient
- Pumps hemodialysis
- Pumps blood transfusion
- Catheters
- Surgical instruments in general
- Equipment and fittings
Where Using Luminol in Dental Units
- Surgical instruments used in the dental arch
- Tool routine for removing teeth and root canal treatment
- Instruments for dental implant
- Uniforms and PPE etc
Once detected by occult blood Luminol how to proper clean?
- For efficient removal of occult blood is necessary to use detergents containing enzymes.
- Programs of education and awareness of best practices for hospital hygiene.
See Technology Consulting for more information or even session Courses.
Use in Forensic Area

The development of a new formulation with additives sensitizers allows time chemiluminescent reaction of luminol increase by up to 10 minutes. In crimes against life, accidental explosions and criminal can get photos of the reaction of luminol with occult blood using a Nikkon Digital Camera D60 or D90, 2.5A, 9V. The detection of occult blood in visible light can be made by using a portable luminometer, allowing the use of luminol without requiring conditions of total darkness.
Immunospecific testing for human hemoglobin, eliminating false positives is also a new feature developed by the research group LASAPE for use in forensics in order to minimize costs with DNA testing.
The Luminol reagent applied to forensics detects:
- Detection of occult blood at crime scenes against life.
- Detection of blood burned in accidental and criminal explosions.
- Detection of occult blood without the use conditions of total darkness using a portable luminometer.
- Detection of cells in firearms by luminometer.

Detection of blood burned in accidental and criminal explosions.
Use in Commercial Area
The Luminol can be used as part of a program of quality control certifying decontamination processes in fridges.
Where Using Luminol in fridges:
- Hand cutting instruments;
- Cutting equipment and storage;
- Packaging;
- Uniforms and personal protective equipment;
- Effluent from the refrigerator, etc.

What are the advantages of using Luminol in Fridges to certify the Quality?
- Reduction of product contamination.
- Rising standards of quality for consumption in domestic and foreign markets.
- Avoid payment of compensation and reparations for damages.
- Elimination of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the final product.
- Control the proper use of enzymatic detergents in removing occult blood in cold stores.
Once detected occult blood by Luminol how to proper clean?
- For efficient removal of occult blood is necessary to use detergents containing enzymes.
- Programs of education and awareness about good hygiene practices in slaughterhouses.
See Technological Consultancy for more information.